Global crossfunctional review of I&D processes and practices


At KONE, we strive to build and nurture an inclusive culture that promotes and values diversity. To be more effective in driving I&D within KONE, we recognised a need for a more comprehensive global I&D strategy. As a first step, we wanted to get a better understanding of where we currently are both locally and globally in regards to I&D practices and start planning our way forward based on the current status and our I&D vision.

What did you want to achieve?

Our aim was to review the I&D practices in the countries we operate in to better understand where our strengths and development areas are globally and use that information in creating a solid global plan for driving I&D. We wanted to benchmark KONE against other global companies as well as get an understanding of our country organizations’ stand point against the benchmark.

What did you do?

We partnered with a global consultancy to get an external view and benchmark for I&D practices. Using their framework that was validated by KONE HR and business stakeholders, we conducted a I&D review for our operating countries. Review consisted of several capability areas within I&D, covering both HR and business related processes and practices. HR and business leaders across the world were involved in giving their input to the review.

What are the results so far?

All participants were committed to giving their input and we were able to collect data from all the countries involved in the review. All countries received their respective results and country leadership teams were instructed to go through the results and plan for local actions to create awareness and develop their approach to I&D. As a company we now have more clarity on our maturity in I&D practices overall, and were able to define our global focus areas based on the strengths and development areas identified in the review.

What have you learned?

The I&D review was received positively in the organization and there is a good level of engagement among HR and business stakeholders to develop our I&D practices. This forms a great foundation for developing our I&D practices further. As part of the assessment we got to know about the different I&D initiatives and actions in our operating countries which gives us an opportunity to share best practices across the country organizations.

As expected, we also learned that there is a fair amount of variance in I&D maturity between our operating countries and therefore in addition to global strategy and guidance, local action planning still plays a crucial role.