Inclusive Leadership Program

What did you want to achieve? 

At ASML, we envisioned a paradigm shift in our D&I journey from awareness to leadership accountability, leveraging the critical role of inclusive leadership in driving  systemic culture change. Toward this end, we sought to build strong leadership capabilities on inclusion and embrace the idea that “ALL leadership is inclusive leadership”. Our goal was to have leaders be aware of core D&I concepts, learn how to deal with inclusion challenges, apply the skills learnt, role model inclusive behaviours and lead by example. We also wished to address skepticism about D&I as a business priority, given our science-based organizational culture emphasizing objectivity over human centricity. 

What did you do? 

We launched ILP – ASML’s 1st Inclusive Leadership Program, a 2-day immersive workshop in partnership with Aberkyn, (a McKinsey spinoff), for leaders across 3 segments: First line, Leader of Leaders and Executives. We secured three Board-level executive sponsors for the ILP, who provided invaluable inputs and guidance, ensuring strategic alignment and success. ILP anchors on Theory U, leveraging 4 pillars:

1. Listen to the system; 2. Challenge assumptions; 3. Crystallize breakthrough initiatives; 4. Act purposely. Leaders understand bias, microaggressions, headwinds and tailwinds, allyship, mentoring, psychological safety and sponsorship. Through hands-on simulations, a VR experience and exercises customized for ASML, they learn to navigate inclusion challenges and develop essential skills. ILP broadly equips leaders to take ownership for creating inclusive environments, driving business success. ‎We set a goal of 30% coverage year-on-year of leaders who had already embarked on ASML’s broader Leadership Development journey. In 2024, Aberkyn expertly led ILP delivery establishing exceptional learning outcomes. In 2025, we transition to an internal delivery model to ensure long term sustainability.

What are the results so far? 

1276 leaders at ASML completed ILP in 2024 (goal of 30% achieved within 5 months).

Excellent Feedback:
95% – “Overall, I am satisfied with the course”
94% – ”I would recommend this course to others”
98% – “The course content was relevant for my job”
97% – “The performance of the trainer(s) / facilitators (s) was good”

“I need to reflect on this in my workplace. I may be lacking at first, but as I have been educated, I will move towards 100% in all leadership areas.”
“We need this culture to make our ASML better”
“Nothing stops me to apply the learnings from this course”
“Great deeper insight, strongly reduced my own bias around certain topics”

What have you learned? 

Key Takeaways:

  1. Board-level sponsorship amplifies the program’s influence and effectiveness
  2. ILP integration into overall leadership development drives home the message that “ALL leadership is inclusive leadership”
  3. Regional customization resonates with diverse cultures in a global rollout
  4. The Head-Heart-Hands design approach in ILP successfully balances intellectual knowledge, emotional resonance and actionable skills for leaders
  5. In order to engage science-driven leaders, empirically grounded examples make a critical impact.
  6. Initial delivery partnership with an external expert brought in an objective, outside-in perspective enhancing ILP’s effectiveness.
  7. In ASML, leaders reported recurring biases that limited inclusion and needed solutioning onward.